The exhibition explores the wartime Moscow — and tells the stories of those who lived, left for the front lines, saw off the loved ones, defended the capital and greeted the victors during the World War II. More than 200 authentic evidences of the war speak for themselves: letters, documents, diaries, photographs.
Behind every item or piece of paper lies one’s destiny. Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, Lev Dovator, Marina Raskova and other well-known war heroes are displayed shoulder to shoulder with ordinary soldiers —unknown and unnamed defenders of Moscow. With citizens that defused fire-bombs at the height of rooftops; with artists that camouflaged city streets; with children that carried on and kept going to schools.
Our team decided that there the context of such exhibition does not allow for standard explications. The witnesses would speak for themselves. The exhibition’s storyline contained tender frontline letters, pages from private journals, pictures, newsreels and video documentaries. These are the priceless sources about the most terrifying time Moscow has ever lived in.